Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog Post 6

children playing title=

The Networked Student

Well, of course something like this has it's pros and cons. I will start with the cons...

First of all, anyone who is in school working very hard to get their degree in teaching, would be smart to not want a program like this implemented. There goes many, many AMERICAN jobs. That problem doesn't even scratch the surface of why I do not like this idea.

Secondly, students NEED their teachers. I believe teachers play a vital role in student's development not only academically, but also socially and emotionally. Students that aren't taught things at home, rely on their school to teach them. Students that don't get the love and support they need from home, rely on their teachers and classmates. Bottom line-we need face time. If you honestly believe that using only technology and having teachers you can reach "online" is beneficial, then I think you are losing far more than you are gaining. Think back to your childhood. Some of my best memories are from middle school and high school. In fact, I am still very close to two of my teachers. They were very influential and supportive of me and I look at them like extended family. I can't imagine "school" consisting of sitting at a computer all day and doing research alone.. really???? This is what our "bright" future entails? You are taking away social interaction, relationships, field trips, sports, clubs, teams...etc. Don't even try to say you get social interaction and relationships online because that is simply ridiculous.

On a side note of that, I wanted to mention when he said they had access to the "greatest teachers in the world". First of all, listening to them online MIGHT be cool sometimes. But, do they know your name? Do they care about YOU? Are they an influential figure in your life? Secondly, I would argue that just because you teach at Yale or Harvard doesn't make you a better teacher than someone that teaches at a state college. A lot of those jobs have to do with politics and the teachers are very disconnected from their community.

Also, I find it very hard to read lengthly information on a computer screen. From talking to my classmates, I know I am definitely one of many that has a problem with it. It's hard. My eyes have a problem concentrating and I lose my place a lot. I always end up having to print it out and read it on paper.

Another problem I'd like to mention.. I think there would be a lot of problems with students "copying and pasting" and not really reading all of the material. Then what you will end up with is a HUGE database of information that no one is going to take the time to read. I think a better option would be to have condensed, simplified versions, or outlines posted with access to the original document when needed.

Here is my final con. Let's face it folks, the "real world" isn't sitting behind a computer screen. It might be for a small percentage of us, but not most. Isn't the purpose of school to prepare for the "real world", the workforce? If you are cutting out significant amounts of social interaction (face-to-face), then I argue you are making people more socially akward when they do finally go outside for once.

A couple of ways this could benefit the student is the accumulation of research over time. It's true, if someone does a lot of hard work and research, then another person adds a little more.. and another person finds something and adds it.. Pretty soon you are going to end up with a very comphrensive database of knowledge. This is a good thing. Also, I believe you can be exposed to a lot of different information, which is also good. But like I said at the beginning, I believe you are losing far more than you are gaining.

A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment

I think that PLN's are very good TOOLS. I do not think that school should be strictly on a computer. We need a lot more elements and methods than just one. I thought her PLN was really neat. PLN's are something I would not have a problem implementing in my own classroom. Like anything else though, it has it's draw backs. There is a lot of room for the "wandering eye". It would be way too easy for a student to be checking facebook, watching tv.. etc.. and then bring up your schoolwork when your teacher walks by. The teacher would have to be very aware and alert of the situation.

The Machine is Changing Us

Well, the video is right. I do have a short attention span and 30 minutes is a long time. I would say I have a lot of the characteristics of the "MTV Generation". I would argue that it is not narcissism. I also would agree it's more trying to find yourself and your self-worth.

The "Charlie bit my finger" video was really funny!

I think that is is healthy to talk about your feelings. If doing it online is the only way people will do it- then so be it. It's good and healthy so why not? Just keep in mind that anyone who wants to watch it can...

This video made me realize that I have to keep in mind the characteristics of the "MTV Generation" or whatever generation I am teaching so that I can better meet their needs.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blog Post 5

a microphone

Eagle Nest Radio & Class Blog

That is so cute! They are so little and so smart! I think it's cool how they put to Podcasts to music. I hadn't even thought about that for ours. I think it's really cool because it's different. It adds another element to the classroom. In my opinion, the more ways and alternative to learning, the better.


I think this is a really good cause and idea. I read where she was asked to introduce Podcasts to a 1st grade class.. wow! I was definitely not using technology when I was in 4th grade! That shows how things are changing in the educational realm. Having students all over the world doing this and so young? Very cool and innovative!

The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom

I really like this one. I have never even heard of Vodcasts... but I love that! Sometimes it's hard to just listen to something. If you add video to it, much more interesting. When I think back about school, I remember that it was HARD to pay attention all day because it was BORING!!!! If you take the boring out of school-and make learning fun and with friends, I think test scores will sky rocket. Even if a student doesn't study at all, just listening in class will make a huge difference. So everyone would benefit.

100 Ways to Use Your Ipod to Learn and Study Better

This is really cool. I have never even heard of any of this. The only way I can really learn something for a test is studying flashcards. They have flashcards! That is SO cool to me because it takes forever to write out note cards. So you could spend the time it would have taken you to write the note cards, actually studying. So, you will end up learning the material much faster, leaving time for other important tasks. You are even going green! An environmentally friendly and faster way to get done with my work?? Yes please!

It also has lesson plan ideas. I could definitely use all the tips and tricks I can find when I become the teacher. I am glad we are doing these kinds of assignments because it is equipping us with actual ways to revolutionize the classroom. It is easy to talk about changing the system, but doing it is another thing entirely. I could see myself showing my class this article so that they can benefit from their iPods too!

There is also something that finds the nearest WiFi! I am always looking for somewhere quiet to do my homework. I never know who has internet, and who doesn't. I don't know whose costs money and whose doesn't. So this is a very valuable tool.

I learned that Podcasts can be personalized my music! I really like it. I think that is definitely something I want to add into my own podcast. In the future, I'd also like to do a Vodcast as well as use them in my classroom to make m class NOT boring.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Additional Assignment #1

Pitcairn islands map
A. Google Squared is good for research, especially research papers. Instead of browsing around, trying to find a reliable source, you have all the information already put together for you in a table. This way, you can get your work done faster and your time is spent in a more productive manner. It's also very adaptive to your needs. If something isn't listed that you want to know, just add it.

B. I love Wolfram Alpha. This site puts information together for you in charts and graphs. It also shares statistics. This site would be more beneficial to the "visual learner". With these sites together, you have information presented to you in different ways so that you can more fully understand what it is you are learning about. I think these sites should be used in conjunction so one can get the full picture. I wish I would have known about these sites earlier. I think they are a tremendous asset to all students.

C. Yes I knew about Google Squared, although I had yet to take advantage of it's benefits.

D. I did not know about Wolfram Alpha.

E. Well "Did You Know" is a video of statistics put together in a flashy show that includes music. I still like the video and I think that the information wasn't misconstrued. I think it is a good video that makes a valid point.

F. It's just like you said. You have to step back and see what the statistics are trying to show you. What are they trying to make you believe? Just like anything, they can be put together in a way to manipulate your thinking. So you have to be aware of the context of the statistics your faced with. Just use critical thinking and don't always take them at "face value".

Food for thought:
I think it is beneficial because if he could use it and he is illiterate then doesn't that even out the playing field a little bit??

Blog Post 4

finger pointing at you

Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff Please by Scott McCleod

I appreciate that we are assigned interesting material. It's not long articles that are politically correct, which we have been assigned to read all of our life. I like reading things that are arguable and different. I like that he says things that can make people mad. Anger can make you think about why you believe what you believe and if you believe it for legitimate reasons. I like that he started out be outlining all the fears and stereotypes parents and some teachers have about the internet. The truth is, students will find trouble of they look for it. The internet is definitely no exception. But I believe if used correctly, it can positively impact our schools. If students are bored in school (and most are) and they don't see how what they are learning relates to the "real world" (which most don't) then it is HARD to pay attention and care about school. If you add things like technology, and show them why what they are learning actually matters and can help them day to day, I think that in itself will raise tests scores tremendously and end a lot of discipline problems in the school system. Alabama is one of the "dumbest" states, so we could definitely use some change. That's just a fact.

Well when I "Googled" Scott McLeod A LOT of information came up. He has a website called Dangerously Irrelevant and I actually saw my comment on the side of the page. WOW! I also noticed that he has the "Did You Know" videos on his site. Basically, this website is dedicated to technology and leadership, seeing change in schools. He blogs a lot about technology and schools. I looked it over and decided that I am going to visit this site often. I feel I have a lot I can learn from this man. As a future teacher, it is my responsibility and duty to society to always be learning.

The iSchool Initiative

I thought this was a really cool idea. One, because it's from a high school senior. A lot of students in high school are not worrying about how to improve education... Way to step out and be a leader.

I think the idea is great. BUT, if I were the student, I would rather use the iPad. I don't really like things that are really small. The pictures are small, it's just way too small for me. I think the iPad would be much better for learning. It fits much better on a desk and the pictures would be a lot bigger. I think it's a lot easier to wrap you brain around a concept when you can actually see it in a decent size. The iTouch is just tiny! You would be looking at like microscopic pictures. I don't like that at all. I think that teacher's would also have a problem with students putting their iTouch in their laps.. and doing other things. The iPad fits confortably on a desk so the teacher can make sure students are on task.

Watch The Lost Generation

I am at a loss for words. I have chill bumps. That was the most moving thing I have seen in a long, long time. I LOVED it. We are always hearing how things are going from bad to worse. Statistical data seems to always seal our fates. We are herded into believing that this cultural downward spiral is unavoidable and normal. I constantly find myself worrying about becoming another statistic. That was so inspirational. I love to be inspired and she definitely touched me somewhere deep in my soul. I am going to share this with my family.

As far as the technique goes, where I'm concerned, she is a genius.I wasn't expecting it at all. I actually watched it twice because I loved it so much. How she sat there and figured that out.. is beyond me. She is very creative and I really, really liked the technique. I think we could use things like this in schools to motivate our students, which happen to be the future of our country.

Eric Whitaker's Virtual Choir and Jennifer Chamber's Post

Wow. I didn't even know this sort of thing was possible. How do you even do something like that? It just blows me away that technology allows that sort of thing ALREADY and I didn't even know it was possible.

While watching, it made me think. We are all in this thing called life TOGETHER. We are always fighting, going going going, and not stopping to SEE. At the end of the day, we are all the same. We are just people, living our lives, and hoping for the best.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Summary Post C4T Teacher #1

sunrise at the beach

First off, I would like to start by saying I am very, very glad I got assigned to this particular teacher. I feel like I could not have gotten assigned to one I would have liked better. This teacher is the EXACT type of person that I aspire to be. She and I share a lot of hobbies and enjoy a lot of the same kinds of things. She isn't a boring person and I just really like how she goes about things. I want to be just like her when I become a teacher.

The first post I commented on was about discovering Dauphin Island. She talks about how she has always visited, but the oil spill brought to her attention things she didn't notice before. She found the Dauphin Island Library/Vistitor's center. It has wi-fi and there are locals inside talking about the island. She plans to go there every day that week. She is on a vacation for a week but she will be running and biking.

In my comment to her, I talked about how I liked that she still had her hobbies. I also LOVE to run. I just feel like when I read her blog, that I can relate to so much of what she says. I feel like she is very down to earth. It just means a lot to me to see a person like her not lose herself in her job. She is obviously a great teacher and very active with her students. But, she also does the things she wants to do. She even takes time to notice the beauty around her. I don't think there are that many working professionals that keep such a large part of themselves. So many just seem to get lost in the 9 to 5. I just really look up to her.

The second post I read about was about the Art Field Experience requirement for one of her classes. They can a choose dance, music, theatre, or visual arts production. They also have to fill out a sheet answering some questions about their experience. She believes that she shouldn't make her students do anything she wouldn't do, so she went to the LoDa Art Walk. She went with some of her friends and had a great time! She talks about her evening and what she experienced. She saw a painting that she really liked that looks like the inside of a church.

In my comment to her, I talked about how I really liked and respected what she is doing. I like the fact that she is not a boring person with no personality. So many adults lose the essence of who they are when they "grow up". They get into such a routine, that they quit doing the things that make them who they are. She is a teacher, but she still has her HOBBIES! She gets to enjoy art, and going out with friends, and coffee! She is setting such a positive example for her students. She does not give the things up that matter to her. I just really admire people who have a life outside of their job. I hope that when I become a teacher, I'll be that way too. I also really liked the painting that she liked. It IS beatiful. As a Christian, I really appreciated the piece as well.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog Assignment 3

Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today

Well, again, it just illustrates the fact that there is a problem with our current education system. I really liked the video and I think it was very creative. It doesn't quite capture my college experience. I do my homework and I definitely use my books. If something is assigned to me, I do my very best to get it done. I envy college students that are just college students. Students that live on campus, maybe work a few hours a week, and that's it. I am a mother of a BABY. She is completely dependent on ME. The only time She is not with me-is when I am in class. Do you have any idea how hard it is to do homework with a baby needing your costant care and attention? A husband that works 80+ hours a week? Bills to pay, laundry, cooking, cleaning.. etc? It is HARD to do it all. I just wish college students would realize what a blessing they have. I would love to be able to have TIME to sit down and do homework without having 50 million other things I should be doing or someone I should be taking care of.

As far as the technology aspect of it goes, I do believe we need to incorporate it as a TOOL for education. I do NOT think that simply adding technology will solve all our problems. That is a RIDICULOUS statement. What needs to happen is teachers need to tailor there teaching style to the needs of their students. We shouldn't be so rigid with how we do everything. To me, teaching is far from just reading out of a textbook and passing out tests.

"It's Not about the Technology" by Kelly Hines

I really enjoyed this post. I feel like agree a lot more with her than anything else I have been exposed to in this class so far. She is right. One of my favorite things that she said in this post is, "Learning will not look the same to all students or all teachers, but it must be the goal." I just LOVE that quote. I think she could become famous for that one sentence. I think it is going to stick with me in how I think about teaching forever.

I think we need to look at the needs, learning styles and backgrounds of our students and do what is best for them. We are put through a lot of education to become teachers. We should use it!! In my dream, every classroom would be different. Learning wouldn't be confined by the four walls either. Some rooms may have desks. Others would have couches or round tables. But my ideas limit what the potential for change is, because I am just one person.

Karl Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?

I really enjoyed this article as well. What is really refreshing to me is that he voices his OWN ideas and opinions and he does so in a rather fearless manner. I really respect someone that has opinions and doesn't just agree with what every single other person thinks! Think for yourself!

I do not feel as strongly on this topic as he does, although, he is much more educated than I am. I think that the most important reason we should keep up with technology is so that we can keep up with the students that we are teaching. We need to be able to relate to them in as many ways as possible. How are you supposed to be a good teacher when you don't even understand what is now commonplace? That is how your students are communicating. That is a big deal. Therefore, you should find out as much as you can.

Gary Hayes Social Media Count

Not only is technology commonplace, but every second it is becoming bigger and bigger. Therefore one COULD argue, that in order for education to keep up with the world around us we need to incorporate technology in education at the same rate it is used around the globe. We as teachers need to realize that technology is changing every day and we need to be able to keep up. It means that our job is always evolving.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


A wordle based on a short paragraph about Jenny Black

Blog Assignment #2

Did You Know 3.0

I thought this video was very interesting. I love little facts like that. It is crazy to think about how much technology is changing and has changed already.  I thought about how I tend to think that nothing else big can be created. We have already done it all. What else could possibly come out? But just because you can't picture the next big thing, doesn't mean it isn't coming and rapidly. I bet every generation things that.

It is a little concerning to me in the sense that I value my privacy. I feel like if the "higher power" were ever to turn, we as people should be able to protect ourself. We should be able to get away from harm. But with our current technology, I feel powerless. Our houses are on Google Earth. Our cars can be tracked? I know this example sounds a little extreme.  I like technology and I appreciate things like the iPad, iPod, and my PC. But I do believe there should be a limit to how much of our privacy is taken away. It seems the greater technology becomes, the less freedom we have.

Mr. Winkle Wakes

I think this video makes you think about the way in which technology changes. In our everyday lives, we are exposed to new technology a day at a time. It seems progressive. But if you were to pay no attention to technlogy or have no access to it for 100 years (which is unrealistic but proves a point) it would completely overwhelm us. We would feel lost in our own world.
We become ok with the technological changes because they come gradually and most benefit us in our everyday life. We explore one new thing at a time and we take the time to figure it out. We talk about it with our friends. We discuss what we like about it, how it works, what they should have done different, and if we are going to get one or not. If we were to get exposed to tvs, computers, cell phones, ipods, ipads etc... all at one time it would have a negative impact. One, we would be totally ovewhelmed. Two, because they were introduced all at once, we wouldn't know how to use them;  we probably wouldn't learn how to at a level we would have if they were introduced one at a time. Since they have all been introduced at different times, most have incorporated them into our life for every day use and we understand how they work.

Sir Ken Robenson: The Importance of Creativity

I was pretty bored in this video until about minute 12. This guy is very, very funny and he makes valid points. He talks about how the way we teach needs to change because it is outdated. We need to keep up with the world around us. I enjoyed the illustration about the girl who wasn't doing well in school. They said that she couldn't sit still and a conference with her mother was called. As a teacher, our first reaction would be to discipline and reprimand the student. Or like he said, put her on medication. This proves his point that the school system was killing her creativity because she was meant to be a dancer. One person took the time to see that and then she was enrolled into a dance school. She is now a multi-millionnaire.

He makes lots of valid points. We do need to revolutionize the education system. We get that. You can make all these sweeping statements, that is EASY. But the real challenge is HOW are you going to do it? How are you going to incorporate this change into the school system? I think that like most things, it's easier said than done.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

I really like the fact that this teacher is out-of -the-box. She is trying something new. Not only is she teaching in a different way, but she ACKNOWLEDGES that the students are teaching her things too. Sometimes its hard to learn from people who think they know it all and that their word is THE WORD. She uses her classroom as a learning environment for everyone, including herself, the teacher. I really respect that.

Another thing I thought about was when she said that not all students are going to excel using pen and paper. Certain types of students will. But, not all will excel using computers either. People have different learning styles and it's cool to see a teacher adapting to try to teach more than just ONE way. It opens up a whole new area for students to explore, and possibly find their unique gift.