Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog Assignment 3

Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today

Well, again, it just illustrates the fact that there is a problem with our current education system. I really liked the video and I think it was very creative. It doesn't quite capture my college experience. I do my homework and I definitely use my books. If something is assigned to me, I do my very best to get it done. I envy college students that are just college students. Students that live on campus, maybe work a few hours a week, and that's it. I am a mother of a BABY. She is completely dependent on ME. The only time She is not with me-is when I am in class. Do you have any idea how hard it is to do homework with a baby needing your costant care and attention? A husband that works 80+ hours a week? Bills to pay, laundry, cooking, cleaning.. etc? It is HARD to do it all. I just wish college students would realize what a blessing they have. I would love to be able to have TIME to sit down and do homework without having 50 million other things I should be doing or someone I should be taking care of.

As far as the technology aspect of it goes, I do believe we need to incorporate it as a TOOL for education. I do NOT think that simply adding technology will solve all our problems. That is a RIDICULOUS statement. What needs to happen is teachers need to tailor there teaching style to the needs of their students. We shouldn't be so rigid with how we do everything. To me, teaching is far from just reading out of a textbook and passing out tests.

"It's Not about the Technology" by Kelly Hines

I really enjoyed this post. I feel like agree a lot more with her than anything else I have been exposed to in this class so far. She is right. One of my favorite things that she said in this post is, "Learning will not look the same to all students or all teachers, but it must be the goal." I just LOVE that quote. I think she could become famous for that one sentence. I think it is going to stick with me in how I think about teaching forever.

I think we need to look at the needs, learning styles and backgrounds of our students and do what is best for them. We are put through a lot of education to become teachers. We should use it!! In my dream, every classroom would be different. Learning wouldn't be confined by the four walls either. Some rooms may have desks. Others would have couches or round tables. But my ideas limit what the potential for change is, because I am just one person.

Karl Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?

I really enjoyed this article as well. What is really refreshing to me is that he voices his OWN ideas and opinions and he does so in a rather fearless manner. I really respect someone that has opinions and doesn't just agree with what every single other person thinks! Think for yourself!

I do not feel as strongly on this topic as he does, although, he is much more educated than I am. I think that the most important reason we should keep up with technology is so that we can keep up with the students that we are teaching. We need to be able to relate to them in as many ways as possible. How are you supposed to be a good teacher when you don't even understand what is now commonplace? That is how your students are communicating. That is a big deal. Therefore, you should find out as much as you can.

Gary Hayes Social Media Count

Not only is technology commonplace, but every second it is becoming bigger and bigger. Therefore one COULD argue, that in order for education to keep up with the world around us we need to incorporate technology in education at the same rate it is used around the globe. We as teachers need to realize that technology is changing every day and we need to be able to keep up. It means that our job is always evolving.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post Jenny!

    I know what you mean about having a life and going to school. I work full time, have a wife and four kids, and I am a graduate assistant. True, I don't have an infant but they range in age from 7 to 15 years. But I do what I do because I choose too. Learning is a life long process.

    I liked your vision of the different rooms of education. I think thats a neat idea. The beauty of the digital technology is that you can create virtual places that are so individualized for each student that they will feel as if they are in another world. Using blogs is a good way to engage students in their own learning. Having a personal blog allows the student to feel some belonging and ownership of the learning process.

    Your blog is looking good. I like the picture at the top but you need to add the title, "Jenny Black's EDM 310 Class Blog" as outlined in the instructions. Otherwise, keep up the good work. SS
