Saturday, September 11, 2010

Summary Post C4T Teacher #1

sunrise at the beach

First off, I would like to start by saying I am very, very glad I got assigned to this particular teacher. I feel like I could not have gotten assigned to one I would have liked better. This teacher is the EXACT type of person that I aspire to be. She and I share a lot of hobbies and enjoy a lot of the same kinds of things. She isn't a boring person and I just really like how she goes about things. I want to be just like her when I become a teacher.

The first post I commented on was about discovering Dauphin Island. She talks about how she has always visited, but the oil spill brought to her attention things she didn't notice before. She found the Dauphin Island Library/Vistitor's center. It has wi-fi and there are locals inside talking about the island. She plans to go there every day that week. She is on a vacation for a week but she will be running and biking.

In my comment to her, I talked about how I liked that she still had her hobbies. I also LOVE to run. I just feel like when I read her blog, that I can relate to so much of what she says. I feel like she is very down to earth. It just means a lot to me to see a person like her not lose herself in her job. She is obviously a great teacher and very active with her students. But, she also does the things she wants to do. She even takes time to notice the beauty around her. I don't think there are that many working professionals that keep such a large part of themselves. So many just seem to get lost in the 9 to 5. I just really look up to her.

The second post I read about was about the Art Field Experience requirement for one of her classes. They can a choose dance, music, theatre, or visual arts production. They also have to fill out a sheet answering some questions about their experience. She believes that she shouldn't make her students do anything she wouldn't do, so she went to the LoDa Art Walk. She went with some of her friends and had a great time! She talks about her evening and what she experienced. She saw a painting that she really liked that looks like the inside of a church.

In my comment to her, I talked about how I really liked and respected what she is doing. I like the fact that she is not a boring person with no personality. So many adults lose the essence of who they are when they "grow up". They get into such a routine, that they quit doing the things that make them who they are. She is a teacher, but she still has her HOBBIES! She gets to enjoy art, and going out with friends, and coffee! She is setting such a positive example for her students. She does not give the things up that matter to her. I just really admire people who have a life outside of their job. I hope that when I become a teacher, I'll be that way too. I also really liked the painting that she liked. It IS beatiful. As a Christian, I really appreciated the piece as well.

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