Monday, October 11, 2010

My PLN Progress Report

PLN diagram

My PLN is coming along pretty well considering I had no idea what a PLN was before this class. Who knew Twitter was good for things other than following celebrities? I also attached my blog to my Twitter account so the people that follow me on Twitter have access to my blog. I am following a lot a new people and organizations involved in education. It is really neat because I feel as if I am getting the inside scoop. I feel like I am having information given to me without even having to look for it. I find this very useful and it makes me feel more educated. I know that sounds cliche, but it feels good to be exposed to things that you had no idea was going on. In education, it is our job to know what is going on and be ahead on the curve. So, I find Twitter useful in keeping me up to speed with current events and issues that surround our nation today. I would prefer to keep Facebook more personal. I would like to use it mostly for keeping in touch with family and friends. I like to have my priorities separated and organized rather that piled all into one place haphazardly. Although, from time to time I do post information on Facebook that I feel people need to read. I try not to, but sometimes it just slips out. I am looking forward to building tne image of who I really am. It gives us the opportunity to show people how we think, one situation at a time.

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