Saturday, November 20, 2010

Additional Assignment 5

Just Teach Them to Solve for X

In this post he is talking about how there are 2 components to teaching. We need to teach students the answers, but also how to get that answer or why that answer is true. A student may know the answer, but if they have no clue how the process works, is that really knowledge? We as teachers not only need to teach answers, but also concepts and understanding.

Sketchy Portraits: 8th Grade Identity and Pencils

In this post, he is comparing students to pencils, believing that students are "under construction". By this he means that they want to be independent and learn for themselves, but also stay grounded and cling to the things their parents taught them. Why should students have to pick one or the other? Life is full of adventure, and learning is an adventure. You make mistakes, but learning takes faith and some things we have to figure out for ourselves.

He Just Likes the Class for the Pencils

In this post, Tom explains the structure of his classroom a little more and what he does to make students enjoy his class. He sets up a hypothetical critism situation and says that "some students just like his class for the pencils. In this case, pencils could be any component to his classroom. He then points out that it is a number of things put together that he thinks makes the difference. Examples would be using humor and givees them meaningful work, rather than busy-work activities.

The Medium Shapes the Learning

In this post he talks about film-making and how all the different films have a lot of similiarities by piecing together parts differently. He also explains the benefit of using technology, but only when you yourself truly understand it. It is good to use it, but really do your research and have a plan: BE PREPARED.

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